MYP Community end of year update

The MYP has continued to flourish this academic year with lively and collaborative meetings. A huge thank you to all who attended and your contributions to the continued development of superb MYP practice in the UK.

Recent meetings have been held across a variety of topics:

Creating opportunities for authentic service and action in unit planning

Discussions considered strategies to implement action through the written curriculum, a requirement in the MYP. A great tip shared was to create a box on the unit planner to populate with possible ideas.

Formative & summative assessment

Building formative assessment to align with the summative assessment can be a challenge for new teachers. Colleagues shared the strategies to build formative assessment by backward planning from the summative assessment ensuring complexity and rigour throughout the process.

ATL assessment and meaningful pupil reflection

This session explored the strategies teachers are using to ensure ATL’s are used for authentic student agency and self-reflection.

IDU and links to SA

The new guide for interdisciplinary teaching and learning requires ‘action’ outcomes in criterion C strand ii. The group shared ideas for IDU’s that have action as a driver throughout the unit.

ATL in assessment - progression mapping within subject areas

The ATL framework within the MYP requires explicit teaching of ATL’s aligned to the summative assessment, strategies to create explore and implement ATL’s were shared including ideas for ATL trackers.

Writing task-specific clarifications

Examples of TSC’s were shared by the group, including both written and oral demonstrating the wide variety of TSC’s that can be developed.

Additional meetings took place bringing together for the first time librarians from our network. Alan Jacques, a highly experienced librarian, and workshop leader presented ideas and strategies for a successful MYP library.

We have a growing group of schools who participate in eAssessment. It was a privilege to welcome Mary Taros – Curriculum Manager to present key updates to eAssessment practice.

Standardization meetings were well attended. Teachers from all subject groups were generous, sharing student examples and unit planners. Many thanks to everyone who made these meetings successful.

The group chat continues to be supportive as the community offers quick responses to questions and concerns. Please join the chat using THIS link if you haven’t already done so.

I will continue to update you on developments as the programme progresses through the MYP Enhancements Project and Guillermo Duff will be presenting at the conference on June 23rd with the latest updates. Please accept my apologies, as I have a prior engagement and will therefore be unable to attend. I am sure it will be an amazing day, and I look forward to hearing about it in our next meeting!

Dianne Blackburn

MYP Community Lead


Higher Education in focus at The University of Manchester


PYP Community end of year update