DP Community end of year update

It has been great to see so many of you in the Community sessions online and I am pleased to know that you have also found the video recordings useful for those who could not join the live session.

We have discussed the basics of the Extended Essay, looked at exam admin, how to set up an effective deadline calendar and shared ideas for student and new staff induction. The joint DP/CP meeting was particularly informative for anyone going through authorisation or evaluation – please do watch the video full of excellent advice from Rebecca Austin Pickard, Roz Trudgeon and Guillermo Duff. All video recordings are still available for you to watch when it suits you!

It seems that we now have a much better sense of the needs of the DP Community and I would like to signpost the sessions for the next academic year as BASICS, ADVANCED and STRATEGIC, so that we can better differentiate and have something on offer for everyone. I would also like to add more ‘How to DP’ videos to our library. However – I do need your help, so please let me know, once the schedule is published, if you would be happy to share what you do in your school with the wider community.

Our final session on 22 June will focus on how to prepare for results day, so please do join, and get in touch on the 5 or 6 July, should you have any questions.

I wish you all a successful and calm results day and a restful summer break.

Simone Lorenz-Weir

DP Community Programme Lead


CP Community end of year update


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