IBSCA Bursary Scheme Recipients

The first round of grants have been made to successful schools who submitted applications for the October deadline.  A total of 15 applications were made, and a sub-Committee of the Directors met to consider each application, before making grants to 2 Trusts and 5 schools.  The range of the applications and the successful bids was hugely encouraging and we look forward to providing ongoing information about the projects over the coming months. One of the items at the CP/DP Virtual Conference later this term will be focused on some case studies drawn from the successful bids and I am looking forward to seeing the progress of a very wide range of projects, which included:

  • The creation of marketing materials for the CP

  • A collaborative video project between three schools

  • Creation and piloting of a post-16 student leadership unit

  • Creation and piloting of a pre-16 student 'Projects for All' course

In determining the successful bids, the sub-Committee were mindful that the project should have an impact beyond the proposing school and that there should be the potential for all IBSCA member schools to benefit from the work undertaken.  I hope that you will join me in congratulating the successful schools and, like me, look forward to hearing regular updates on the progress they are making.


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